Majestic SEO is a tool which set out to build a large web index with the aim to “map out links between websites”. With a large index at hand, Majestic allows huge amounts of data accessible for SEO’s, webmasters and marketers. There are a few tools available without a premium account however, for full use of all the tools a premium membership is needed.
Here is a list of the tools/functions offered by Majestic:
- Create in-depth link reports
- Backlinks history checker
- Bulk backlinks checker
- Clique hunter
- Site explorer
Link Reports
The link reports available on Majestic offer a great insight into a websites backlinks. You can run a report on your own site for free but for competitor websites a premium membership is needed. The system works on a point’s basis; with users given a set amount of points a month depending on the level of package. The number of backlinks a site has or whether you want it to gather data at a sub-domain level or not will effect how many points you spend. In our experience the amount of points given is sufficient, enabling you to run many reports unless you want to analyse a site with millions of backlinks.

The reports display a huge amount of data on backlinks including the spread of Anchor Text, a detailed look into the Referring Domains, the number of links coming from specific IP addresses as well as the history of the backlinks.
For SEOs and Marketers, the Majestic Report Tool enables you to analyse competitor’s sites. This allows you to study the distribution of anchor text used by a competitor and highlight any potential link sources. Majestic also allows you to look at their top backlinks for any given website. Additional options are available so you can filter the results for your needs.
The level of detail is great and the results can be downloaded in CSV format.
Backlinks History
This great tool allows you to compare up to five different competitor websites with your own. It will plot the backlinks discovered month on month, or the number of referring domains. SEOs know that it is better to appear natural when carrying out link building, therefore a steady increase is the prime target here. This tool can highlight if there is any sudden influx in the amount of backlinks to any given site.
Bulk Backlinks Checker
The bulk backlinks checker offers a quick way to get backlinks count information for up to 150 URLs. This will tell you the number of inbound links, referring domains (including the number of .edu and .gov domains), unique referring IPs and the AC Rank* of the site. This quick overview highlights the best performing sites, which you can then use if you want to carry out a report in more depth on a few domains.
*AC Rank – A measure between 1 and 15 of how important a page is which depends on the number of unique external referring domains.
Clique Hunter
The Majestic SEO Clique Hunter allows users to enter up to ten unique domains, this then maps out the number of domains linking to the sites and highlights when a site links to more than one of the sites you entered. A great place to quickly find good link sources, whether these are good directories, hubs or blogs which allow guest posting.
Site Explorer
This is a relatively new tool from Majestic; it enables you to quickly gather information on a specific domain. It can tell you the amount of backlinks to a site, including the amount of Educational and Governmental sites linking to the URL.
On a more detailed level it tells you the type of link, whether the links are NoFollow, Image links, Redirected links or even links which are no longer live.
It gives you an overview of the backlinks history and the history of the referring domains. For more detailed information you can view a list of the top referring domains and the top backlinks.
For free users, this tool gives you basic backlinks information about a domain but does not go into much detail.
To summarise, Majestic SEO is a powerful link analysis tool which enables users to quickly gather lots of backlinks data for their website or for a competitors. Information from the various tools can be used to:
- Guide and track your link building campaign
- Track the success of a link building campaign
- Highlight any issues or links in bad neighbourhoods
- Find great link sources
- See what your competitors are doing
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