StumbleUpon is a hugely popular bookmarking site and can drive a high level of relevant traffic to your site. It’s free to join and it’s also a great place to promote your content. So there’s no excuse for overlooking it as an additional promotional tool.
But how do you go about using StumbleUpon and working towards gaining traffic?
Here are 5 tips to get you on your way:
Be an Active User
Simply having an account and stumbling your own content isn’t going to do you any good at all.
As with any social site you need to be an active member of the community in order for your contributions to be noticed.
When you first sign up to StumbleUpon you can add the tool bar.
This allows you to control your account from your browser window and makes becoming an active member a whole lot easier.
Within the toolbar is the “Stumble” button. Click on this and you are sent to a page within the Stumble database that is related to the interests you have included in your profile.
If you like the page click on the thumbs up, if you don’t then you have a “thumbs down” option. But by taking part you become more noticed and your content is more likely to be put in front of more eyes.
Be the First to Review
It’s also important to submit new content to Stumble and just as important to submit content that isn’t just your own.
This isn’t something you can guarantee, as you may look to submit a brand new blog post you have just read only to find that someone has beaten you to it. But keep going, this won’t happen each time.
Submitting new content shows that you aren’t just stumbling and clicking on the thumbs up button, you are actively bringing new content to the table.
When you are the first to stumble a page it’s highly important that you add a review. Make it a well written review. This can help attract more clicks.

Tag Correctly
When you submit freshly discovered content it is very important to tag properly.
Whatever tags you add to your stumbled content will dictate which audience they appear to. If you don’t tag correctly you could be promoting irrelevant content which could lead to thumbs down votes which isn’t what you want.
Do some research; see what tags are being used on similar submissions.
Make Friends
This is a social site so make friends.
Stumble only allows you a certain amount of friends so it is important that you create your own very relevant community. Having friends can help you gain votes from them.
Keep an eye on what they are discovering, stumble what they have found and they could stumble your content back.
Having friends also allows you to recommend content to them. If you have chosen your friends wisely they will have the same interests and your content should go down well.
Join Groups
Join groups that are relevant to the type of content you are looking to promote. Stumble allows you to join up to 63 groups.
Within a majority of these groups you can post relevant content for other members to find. These are also great places to build up your friends count.
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