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Lucy Griffiths

The Importance of Using a Google AdWords Qualified Company

8th Feb 2010 PPC Blog, Google AdWords, PPC Blog 2 minutes to read

A Google AdWords Qualified Company can maximise your ROI and here we look at why it is important that you choose a Pay per Click (PPC) management company who are qualified to manage your online marketing budget.

Online advertising is now one of the most popular ways to gain exposure for your site, company and the promotions you offer. It is unlike any other form of marketing, relying solely on a Pay per Click basis, which means that your adverts need impact and they need to be shown for the most appropriate keywords.

Google are the biggest name in PPC advertising due to the popularity of their search engine. With Pay per Click working on a basic principle of targeted keywords, the ads should only appear in results pages that are relevant to what your advert is offering or promoting. This is why it is so important to really understand the whole campaign optimisation process.

Google run an advertising platform called AdWords. If you have ever seen a Google results page, these are the links that appear on the right-hand side of the page and occasionally in the header. These ads are typically known as ‘Sponsored Links’.

The AdWords programme seems simple at first but this can mask a level of complexity that can cost novice users dear in the long run. Google provides a lot of help on their site and also promotes accreditation through their Google Advertising Professionals training program.

It is by no means an exclusive award, there are a number of agencies and freelancers with their Google accreditation. This means that individuals have sat and passed the official exam and that, in the case of Qualified Companies, have managed a certain level of spend on behalf of clients.

However, like most exams, there are those who’d rather not bother yet still claim to be an expert. This can even manifest itself with individuals and companies displaying the AdWords Professional logo to give the impression that they have reached the necessary standard.

The most obvious way to determine whether someone is making a false claim about their status is if they fail to show the Google AdWords Qualified Company logo on their site. Equally, and perhaps worse still, are those who show the logo but do not link to the appropriate page within Google confirming their qualification status.

Of course, you should also ask for testimonials or case studies from the company you are considering using for your Google AdWords management. If they can’t provide any, you may just decide to carrying on searching for an appropriate partner to manage your paid search marketing budget.

Clearly there are companies and individuals out there who are less interested in gaining the official accreditation and more interested in making a quick buck. Whoever you choose, always ensure that they have the necessary experience and certifications to manage your Google AdWords account, otherwise it could just end up costing you more in the long run.

Read more about Google’s Advertising Professionals Programme.

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